Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I'm a closet blue addict...

Several people have pointed out that a majority of my knitting has been in blue yarns. I didn't realize how much until I made myself a list:
Ribbon X-back - blues
Clapotis - Lakeview (blues / greens/ purple)
Cannes - blue
Sitcom Chic - blue
Smooch - blue

plus the future projects that I have the yarn for...
Orangina - blue
Chickami - blue
Mariah - teal (does that count?)
Ribbi Cardi - periwinkle

plus two kinds of cotton that are in search of the right tank pattern...
I guess I am a closet blue addict. I don't do it on purpose, I swear!

Wait til I make my Fiery Bolero, though! That will NOT be blue ;-)

it's been a while...

... but I've been busy knitting!
I have a couple more FO's to show off. I finally finished my Sitcom Chic:

I used Cotton Ease in candy blue. It may just be the most wearable thing I've made yet. It was curling pretty badly, but some steam helped it out some.

Also, I whipped up "Smooch" from the Rowan All Season Cotton Collection by Kim Hargreaves in 10 days - and may have set a personal record! I used the All Season Cotton in Seaview, and I have to say it is now on my list of favorite yarns! It's just cozy to work with and to wear, and has a little bounce to it, which makes it nicer to knit with than other cottons. I hope to do a few more items from that collection eventually!

(we're getting boring with the picture location and poses... I'll try to mix it up a bit next time :-) )

I've FINALLY started Audrey from Rowan #35. The instant I saw a finished Audrey online, I knew I needed to make it, but I've been stewing about the color. I had ordered some Calmer in "pool" for it (on sale since the color is discontinued) but just a couple weeks ago I found a bag of "zeal" (also discontinued) on Ebay and won the auction (my first one ever!) Zeal is a deep purple... and anyone that knows me knows the end of this story... :-) Needless to say, Audrey is purple :-) I think I'll use the Pool for the Iris shrug (also in Rowan #35). Frankly, I'd be happy making everything out of Calmer! It's so wonderfully soft, and nice to work with once you get used to the stretchiness. I'm actually getting less hand cramping than usual working with it.